...meandering thoughts and a reminder to myself that a mundane day can be just as beautiful as a spectacular one.

Monday, July 4, 2011

3 Day Weekend!


Three day weekends are one of my favorite things.
You can do things like go to music stores
where the mister's eyes get wider and wider with every guitar he sees.

You can have an unexpected night at the beach.
We were the only folks on there when about 20 more folks 
showed up on a pontoon boat and joined us.  They were super
cool and hung out by the campfire.  They brought all kinds of goodies 
and fed us too.  They told us stories about how in 
Poland sparklers were a Christmas tradition.  The stars
were welcomed by Polish songs sung over the campfire.


You can go to the lillypad pond and chill out - even though it 
was a really hot summer day.

 You can watch the ducks.

And you can celebrate the 4th of July!