...meandering thoughts and a reminder to myself that a mundane day can be just as beautiful as a spectacular one.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Carol's Apple & Pecan Cheesecake

One day, a couple of years back, the mister says to me:
"Hey Love, I think we should bake more."
This statement became more specific 
and was narrowed down to cheesecake.
"Hey Love, I think cheesecake should be our specialty."

Well, this is a something that once you say it,
folks hold you to it.  And really, the fact that Stuart said it
makes it all the more memorable.

It became the running joke between Josh, myself, & Carol.
Every time we'd see a cheesecake - we'd ask the mister how's 
his creation was coming along.
Carol (a.k.a. "Josh's Mom" -that's how she signed all of her cards)
even brought the mister a cheesecake cookbook.
And in true "Josh's Mom" fashion it contained little notes:

This Labor Day Weekend, 
Stuart got out the cheesecake cookbook
guess what?
He finally made that 
cheesecake he's been talking about
all these years.  

It was delicious apple & pecan cheesecake.
Isn't it gorgeous?
And since this cheesecake wouldn't really have been possible
without "Josh's Mom", Stuart (or as she called him Luther or Lester)
decided to name it
Carol's Apple & Pecan Cheesecake.

We miss "Josh's Mom" a lot.  She will always inspire both of us.
And she keeps us laughing even now with those post-it notes we found again.

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