...meandering thoughts and a reminder to myself that a mundane day can be just as beautiful as a spectacular one.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

My Dearest Milwaukee,

Ahh, the joys of going on a date, date with
your mister without the wee one.

Don't get my wrong, I love hanging out with
my little girl more than anything.  But,
it was pretty nice going out and about without
any worries or extra luggage that babes require.

First stop, music store for the mister.
My favorite part?
The disco ball of course.
Disco balls will forever remind me
of my Aunt Edie.

 Next stop was my choice.
I was over the moon ecstactic
store.  My dad used to take me
there on daddy-daughter dates and
I haven't been there in years.

 And last, but not least, we
They have a butterfly sanctuary there
which is really neat to go into when your
surviving the longest winter ever.

And the icing on the cupcake?
Finally getting to see Dr. Gunther von Hagens' 
Body Worlds.  No photography allowed in the exhibit,
but, wow - talk about amazing.  The human body
is just super interesting and truly a work of art.
You've got to see this exhibit if you haven't already.

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