...meandering thoughts and a reminder to myself that a mundane day can be just as beautiful as a spectacular one.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Goodbye 2020

We made it.
2020 was a doozy, wasn't it?

COVID changed us all forever, 
made us cry, made us re-evaluate, slow down.

We all became virtual meeting proficient.
Not seeing everyone in person - 
that's the hardest part.

But, 2020 was good as well.
It took us so long to get to baby #2-
that I suppose it's appropriate 
our little man, Ewan, would show up
during a pandemic.

We just love him to bits.

Moving from our tiny little condo to a cute little ranch 
was a definite plus as well.

I never saw myself living in a ranch - but, here we are.

Content. Party of 4.
House with the bright orange door.

Stay safe & healthy.
• Cheers to 2021 •

Thursday, February 7, 2019


"It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam. This crisp winter air is full of it." 
-John Burroughs

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Piper's Piping

We recently checked "Cinderella" out from
our local library and Piper was totally entranced by it.

The next morning, when we were getting ready, 
we were talking about the movie and how mean Cinderella's
stepsisters were.  I made a comment about one
of the sisters having red hair like mommy.

Piper says, "I have red hair."
"No, Piper you have blonde hair."
Her bottom lip quivers and she nearly bursts into tears.
"Oh, Piper your hair is beautiful like Cinderella and Rupunzel - 
they both have blonde hair just like you."
Piper's reply, "No, not yellow."

Well, I suppose she got me there...

Piper's Piping

after sitting in the car this morning 
waiting for the ice 
to melt off the windshield

she says, 
in the style of duhhhh...
complete with eyeroll