I was both ecstatic and nervous for our
first trip to Scotland with a little one.
I was most nervous for the flight part..
you know, changing diapers - oh my gosh
what if she has a melt down, who's going to
hold the winning ticket to sit next to us?
But, it actually was not...that...bad.
We sat next to a really nice college girl who was on
her way to Rome for her spring break on the way there.
She was gaga for Piper. What a relief.
And the bathroom/ diaper changing situation -
totally not a big deal either.
However, I have to say I did have to throw
away some of Piper's clothes on the way there
and on the way home. Traveling can really
mess up a baby's system.
And I learned the hard way
that it's not a bad idea to pack an extra outfit
for yourself.
Here's the things I'll remember most:
Yellow, cheery daffodils-
These were the best to see after leaving
a very brown Chicago behind.
Bucks runs.
But, in Scotland (well, Aberdeen anyway)
the restroom keys are
like the keys you see in Harry Potter.
How cool is that?
The coolest playgrounds ever.
We need giant cobweb shaped swings here.
Dancing to Elvis with the grandparents.
It just melted my heart. How adorable are they?
The Cove.
and garden centers.
Gramma Nona has a garden center radar,
which is a really valuable tool.
..and Grandpa calling Pipes "flower"
any chance he got :o)
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